PLATINUM Webinar “Bringing inquiry into one’s mathematics classroom”

Recording of the whole webinar (programme with click-throughs can be found here, the text of active links has a grey background)

Link to the webpage of John Mason where the slides presented at the webinar (and much more) can be found:

Date: Friday, May 7, 2021, between 15:00 and 18:00 CEST
Location: Masaryk University (MUNI) 
Country of Venue: Czech Republic
Partner countries: Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom, and Ukraine


We cordially invite you to participate in an interactive webinar focusing on inquiry based mathematical tasks and teaching units at the university level organized by PLATINUM (Partnership for Learning And Teaching IN University Mathematics).

Invited speaker: Professor John Mason (Open University, UK)
Topic: Inquiry based mathematical tasks and teaching units

Abstract: Participants will be invited to engage in a sequence of tasks designed to stimulate discussion about getting students to explore mathematical ideas. The first step is to be mathematical both with and in front of learners, immersing them in a conjecturing atmosphere and in a culture of inquiry, which will be exemplified in the session. A range of pedagogic actions will be used in order to illustrate how, over time, learners can be encouraged to take responsibility for themselves, so as both to appreciate and comprehend the mathematical ideas, theorems, and techniques that make up their course.

The Webinar is organized by the Masaryk University in collaboration with the University of Agder and MatRIC, The Centre for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching. To assist the listeners with hearing disparity, speech-to-text captions to all presentations will be provided during the webinar.

Audience: We focus on university mathematics teaching, but the workshop is open to all participants interested in teaching and learning mathematics through inquiry and fostering own mathematical thinking.


Friday, May 7, 2021

15:00-15:05 Welcome and introduction to the webinar (5 min) – Simon Goodchild (MatRIC) and Yuriy Rogovchenko (University of Agder)

15:05-15:25 Introduction to inquiry-based mathematics tasks and teaching units (20 min) – Barbara Jaworski (Loughborough University) and André Heck (University of Amsterdam)

15:25-15:55 Introduction & ways of bringing inquiry into one’s mathematics classroom (10 min) – John Mason (Open University)
Work on Task 1 (plenary) (10 min)
Work in Task 2 (plenary) & comments (10 min)

15:55-16:00 Break (5 min)

16:00-16:10 Introduction to Task 3 (10 min) – John Mason

16:10-16:40 Group work on Task 3 (or more on Task 1 or Task 2) in Break Out Rooms (30 min)

16:40-16:50 Extensions for exploration (plenary) (10 min) – John Mason

16:50-16:55 Break & questions for reflection about plenary & group work (5 min)

16:55-17:05 Selected reflections from participants & observations (10 min) – PLATINUM

17:05-17:25 Introduction of Task 4A (plenary) (10 min) – John Mason
Task 4B how to develop these ideas in your course (plenary) (10 min)

17:25-17:55 Panel discussion on inquiry-based mathematical tasks and teaching units, questions from participants (30 min) – John MasonAndré HeckMaria Králová (Masaryk University), and Barbara Jaworski moderated by Thomas Gjesteland (MatRIC)

17:55-18:00 Conclusion & Closure (5 min) – Yuriy Rogovchenko (University of Agder)

18:00 End of recorded part, free discussion/chat

If you have any questions regarding the event, please feel free to contact Professor Yuriy Rogovchenko at

Registration is open until Friday May 7, 12:00 CEST. Registered participants will receive the webinar link on Friday May 7, 12:00 CEST.

Registration link:

Shortly after registration you will receive a confirmation on registration in your mail box. If you don’t find the mail in your mailbox within 5 minutes, please check the junk mail folder. 

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