Complutense University

Complutense University

The Complutense University (UCM) is one of the largest Universities in Spain and all around Europe. With a tradition beyond 5 centuries, UCM has become a very important institution in terms of higher education and research activities. UCM is home of research groups which are in the cutting edge of research in many areas. UCM technological scientific infrastructure (with an annual budget almost reaching 600M€), together with the quality of its researchers (more than 6000), has established some of its laboratories among the best all around Europe. Due to its broad-scoped nature UCM is able to offer 170 official degrees of which 65 correspond to bachelor degrees and 105 to master degrees. For these degrees UCM counts on more than 85.000 students distributed among the faculties, university schools and associated centres.


The Mathematics Faculty at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid ( is the biggest centre in Spain for mathematical activity —both research and training— with more than 160 lecturers and researchers (more than the 70% are doctors). The Faculty is organized in seven Departments: Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Astronomy and Geodesy, Computer Science, Geometry and Topology, Mathematical Analysis, Statistics and Operations Research. This provides a large set of research fields, and a varied offer in courses and training. This diversity constitutes an important distinction from other mathematic centres, and attracts each year academic visitors and a considerable number of post- and pre-graduate students, thus contributing to the Faculty’s excellent reputation.


Correspondingly to the great diversity of areas integrated in the Faculty, research is carried out in a wide variety of fields including: Algebraic, differential and geometric topology, Algebraic geometry, Bayesian methods, Computational algebra, Control and optimization, Cryptography, Decision and game theory, Differential equations: analysis and simulation, Differential equations: applications, Differential geometry and symmetries, Mathematics Education, Formal semantics and programming theory, Functional analysis and operator theory, Geodesy, Geometrical methods for computer vision, Infinite dimensional analysis, Interpolation theory and applications, Mathematical Education, Mathematical modelling in science and technology, Queuing modelling, Real geometry, Singularities, Spatial astronomy, Topology. The research works in several fields are developed in the context of more than 60 financially supported research projects.


The Faculty hosts around 1400 students distributed among the three bachelor degrees (Mathematics, Mathematical Engineering and Mathematics and Statistics) and the various MSc and PhD courses (see document annex). From the beginning the Faculty has been actively involved with the Socrates-Eramus program. At present we maintain agreements with 56 European universities with a total offer of around 90 incoming and 80 outcoming places.

Team members

Benavent Merchán, Teresa
Díaz-Cano Ocaña, Antonio
Marta Folgueira
Gómez-Castro, David
Gómez-Chacón, Inés M
Spanish Coordinator of Platinum Project
Infante del Rio, Juan Antonio
Luque, Teresa
Riesco, Adrian
© University of Agder 2024

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