PLATINUM Webinar “Inquiry in university mathematics teaching and learning”

Recording of the whole webinar (programme with click-throughs can be found here, the text of active links has a grey background)

Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 15:00-18:21 CET
Location: Masaryk University (MUNI) 
Country of Venue: Czech Republic
Partner countries: Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom, and Ukraine

Registration link:

Programme in the PDF format can be downloaded here:



We cordially invite you to participate in the webinar focusing on the teaching and learning of mathematics at the university level organized by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Project PLATINUM (Partnership for Learning And Teaching IN University Mathematics).

The keynote address on important aspects of Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education will be delivered by the invited speaker Professor Michèle Artigue (Paris Diderot University). The  academic leader of the project, Professor Barbara Jaworski (Loughborough University) will introduce the inquiry basis of PLATINUM.

The Webinar is organized by the Masaryk University in collaboration with the University of Agder and MatRIC, The Centre for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching. To assist the listeners with hearing disparity, speech-to-text captions to all presentations will be provided during the webinar. For addressing the questions from attendees, we organize three Q&A sessions and conclude the webinar with the panel with the guest speaker. The Zoom link to the webinar and the link to a dedicated page where the questions for the presenters should be posted will be sent in the confirmation email to all registered participants.

PLATINUM seeks to improve mathematics  teaching through inquiry-based approaches that allow students to achieve a more conceptually-based understanding of the subject, more appropriate for solving problems in engineering, science, and in the labour market. The consortium is coordinated by the University of Agder and includes eight universities from the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. During the Webinar, the PLATINUM team will present project’s intellectual outputs and examples of inquiry-based mathematics tasks designed and tested in different courses at partner universities.


Tuesday, March 9, 2021 


15:00-15:05 Welcome and introduction to the webinarSimon Goodchild (MatRIC) and Yuriy Rogovchenko (University of Agder)

15:05-15:20 Keynote addressBarbara Jaworski (Loughborough University)

15:20-15:50 Presentation of the PLATINUM Intellectual OutputsReinhard Hochmuth, André Heck, Inés M. Gómez-Chacón, Yuriy Rogovchenko, Maria Králová, and Lukáš Másilko

15:50-16:00 Break

16:00-16:15 Questions & Answers session moderated by Simon Goodchild (MatRIC)

16:15-16:35 Invited keynote address – Michèle Artigue (Paris Diderot University)

16:35-16:45 Response to the invited keynote addressReinhard Hochmuth (Leibniz University Hannover)

16:45-16:55 Break

16:55-17:10 Questions & Answers session moderated by Simon Goodchild (MatRIC)

17:10-17:40 Five presentations of inquiry-based mathematics tasksAndré Heck, Antonio Díaz-Cano, Stephanie Thomas, Svitlana Rogovchenko, and Oksana Hlushak

17:40-17:55 Questions & Answers session moderated by Simon Goodchild (MatRIC)

17:55-18:20 Panel on inquiry-based mathematics educationMichèle Artigue, Nataša Brouwer, Lukáš Másilko, and Josef Rebenda moderated by Thomas Gjesteland (MatRIC)

18:20-18:21 ClosureYuriy Rogovchenko (University of Agder)

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