Leibniz University

The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics with its 13 institutes hosts more than 2.000 students studying among others mathematics (Bachelor, Master, Secondary and High-School teachers) and physics with about 170 Master certifications and 50 Ph.Ds. per year. The faculty considers teaching as a dynamic partnership between lecturers and students. The broad range of subjects provides opportunities for students to gain tailor-made qualifications. The lecturers are committed to providing the best possible guidance and advice to the students.


Activities in further developing teaching and learning at the faculty have a long history and are often established in cooperation between mathematicians and math educators. Several projects are currently being funded, which are institutionally connected to the Leibniz School of Education and the German Centre for Higher Mathematics Education. The latter includes more than 50 researchers from mathematics, didactics and psychology from the universities Hannover, Kassel und Paderborn offering an excellent local environment for research in higher mathematics education.

Team members

Reinhard Hochmuth
Sarah Khellaf
Jana Peters
© University of Agder 2025

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