University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam (UvA) is a modern university with a rich history. It traces its roots back to 1632, when the Golden Age school Athenaeum Illustre was established to train students in trade and philosophy. Today, with some 30,000 students, 5,000 staff. It is one of the largest general research universities in Europe. The UvA is a member of LERU, a network of European research universities with a common vision for higher education and European research policy. In a Strategic Plan 2015-2020, the UvA pays special attention on innovation of education using blended and e-learning techniques as well as on internationalization of education.

The Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam which is involved in this project is a leading centre of academic research and education with a broad range of strong research groups. The Faculty of Science consists of a College of Science, three Graduate Schools, an Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, eight research institutes and a Faculty service department. The research and
educational activities are organised in one comprehensive faculty. Blended learning is a common teaching and learning approach in regular courses.

Competence in Mathematics becomes more and more important for all science disciplines. The groups of students at our departments are usually large (between 100 and 300 students) having heterogeneous pre-knowledge. Teaching and learning of mathematics for scientists gets thus special  attention in our programmes. The students can use online teaching, learning and practising material through their curriculum and work individually and in flexible ways to reach the mathematical level needed to learn well in discipline specific courses. The mathematics for scientists is put in a discipline-relevant context, which motivates students for learning and promotes conceptual and deep understanding of mathematics by inquiry oriented technology enhanced instruction course design.


Andre Heck
Natasa Brouwer
Umberto Olcese
Gerrit Oomens
Marthe Schut
© University of Agder 2025

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