Collaboration between PLATINUM partners strengthens

Collaboration between the University of Agder and Ukrainain partners  becomes even stronger thanks to financial support provided by DIKU through the Eurasia program for the project CPEA-ST-2019/10067 Development of students’ mathematical competencies through Digital Mathematical Modeling (DeDiMaMo) aimed at the development of a new course on digital mathematical modelling Three partners, University of Agder and two Ukrainian universities, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, received about 1.5 million Norwegian crowns for this two year project. The kick-off meeting is planned in Kyiv during November 13-15, 2019. Stay tuned to more news about DeDiMaMo!

PLATINUM is on the news in the Czech Republic once again

The information about PLATINUM and interviews with our valuable team members Maria Králová and Josef Rebenda published earlier in Czech ahead of our project management meeting and workshop in Brno
has been published now  in English

We welcome this article and warmly invite all our team members and friends to read it.

PLATINUM coordinator attends Erasmus+ meeting organized by DIKU

PLATINUM coordinator Professor Yuriy Rogovchenko attended Erasmus+ meeting organized by the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education DIKU on September 27, 2019 in Bergen.

The meeting gathered team members for newly funded and already running Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships projects who came to Bergen to learn about using Mobility+ Tool for running projects and reporting to the national authority and EU. Participants discussed presentations made by Ieva Serapinaite and Thomas De Ridder from DIKU and shared own experience and expectations. “Group work on the tasks suggested by DIKU and following discussions were very useful, especially advice received on running and reporting PLATINUM activities” says Yuriy Rogovchenko.

Publication about PLATINUM in Czech media

In preparation to our third Workshop on Inquiry Based Mathematics Education and the third Project Management Meeting, two Czech colleagues, Maria Králová and Josef Rebenda,  and the project coordinator Yuriy Rogovchenko where interviewed by the Czech journalist Zuzana Keményová. The full story in Czech, titled “Mathematics is a detective story, not a thriller”, can be found at the link

The English version should follow later.

Looking ahead to the third Workshop and Project Management Meeting in Brno, June 18-20, 2019

PLATINUM team in Madrid

In less than two weeks, PLATINUM team meets in Brno for the third Workshop on Inquiry Based Mathematics Education and for the Third Project Management Meeting. During the meeting in Madrid we had many interesting discussions which helped us to get a better understanding of what inquiry in mathematics is and how we can actively engage in inquiry based mathematics education. Three months later, we look forward to the next exciting opportunity to exchange our ideas, share the results and findings of partner communities of inquiry at the Workshop in Brno. Coordinator of the project, Professor Yuriy Rogovchenko (University of Agder) says: “We left Madrid very tired but with smiling faces (as one can see in the group picture), better understanding of our goals and a much stronger team feeling. We are  growing daily both as local communities of inquiry and as a whole PLATINUM team gaining valuable experience we wish to share with a wider community of educators in the course of the project. Our thorough preparation to the event, unfailing collaboration with colleagues and friends in Czech Republic through years and unforgettable memories about Czech hospitality from our previous visits to this lovely country reassure the success of the workshop and the meeting. We all look forward to a new important event where we will critically assess where we are in the project, discuss what has been already done and coordinate our future work.” 

The Teaching Group at Loughborough University

The member of our PLATINUM team, Dr. Paola Iannone,  wrote a short description of the Teaching Group she leads at  Loughborough University.

The Teaching Group at Loughborough University (LU) started its meeting in 2016 when it was part of the activities that a colleague of ours initiated for a national teaching award she was awarded. This was the origin, but we quickly realised that there was a real independent need for a forum to meet and discuss teaching mathematics and statistics at university level. In our country (UK) training for new lecturers is generally not discipline specific so colleagues joining our department felt that they wanted to discuss the teaching of mathematics specifically. After 3 years we are still meeting. We meet every two months or so, we are mathematicians, statisticians, mathematics educators and we all work in the School of Science at LU.

Membership of the group is fluid – we usually have both new lecturers and more experienced staff joining at times. Some colleagues come at every meeting while others join as they can fit in their timetable. We follow a community of Inquiry (CoI) model in the sense that we:

Inquiry: We make use of materials such as education books, research papers, teaching material we produce, and we reflect on our own practice. Much of our focus comes from issues we encounter in our own practice and as a reaction to institutional policy on teaching. For example, we explore and learn about the use inquiry-based mathematical tasks with students, and

Learn: We inquiry into our own teaching through learning about the educational research on teaching mathematics at university level. We also reflect on others’ experiences.

At the moment we are 7 (but hopefully growing) – and we are educators, mathematicians, statisticians. We teach a range of subjects, from applied mathematics to statistics to mathematics for engineers, statistics for foundation students, mathematics education, pure mathematics. We teach large classes (I think the largest is in excess of 180 students) and very small classes (around 10 students).

Our meetings start with a general discussion of the topic of the meeting and ends with a request for topics of discussion and ideas for the next meeting. Dates are driven by the rhythm of our academic year: we try to avoid teaching – intensive periods. Our meetings last two hours plus lunch time to carry on chatting. Once we have decided on a date and a topic, we distribute something to do to each participant.

Topics we have covered so far are assessment (we have talked and read a lot about assessment of mathematics at university and especially about exam question content and format), feedback, student attendance, types of formative questions, computer aided assessment.

Working meeting of international project participants «Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics» (PLATINUM)

On April 18, 2019, within the framework of the project «Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics» (PLATINUM), the EU Erasmus Program + KA203 – Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, 2018-1-NO01-KA203-038887, partnered with Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, the working meeting of the team of participants of the University and the project manager Yuriy Rogovchenko, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Agder (Norway) took place. Read more…

The community of mathematicians improves their skills at the training «Using IBL in the study of mathematics – 5»

On April 3, 2019, the fifth training “Using IBL in the study of mathematics” was held for teachers of mathematics within the framework of the project “Partnership for Learning and Teaching IN University Mathematics” (PLATINUM) of the EU Erasmus Program + KA203 – Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, 2018 -1-NO01-KA203-038887. Read more…

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